Why Should You Trust Your Chartered Accountant?

CA Firm in Delhi

Using the services of a CA Firm in Delhi, for a business manager, goes beyond the accounting management of a company. Advice on strategy, the anticipation of needs, interpretation of economic and management indicators, etc.

 What does a business manager expect from his accountant today? What is the role of an accountant?

Beyond real support through a maze of regulations and laws, the Chartered Accountant in Delhi identifies and meets the needs for advice and offers a complete trajectory adapted to clients. For this, knowing his client is imperative for the accountant. The key to success is mutual trust.

 How is the profession of chartered accountant evolving?

The part devoted to traditional missions (entry, declaration, and production of ancillary missions such as salaries or, to a lesser extent, legal matters) is fundamentally changing. The accounting mission is becoming digital, opening the field of possibilities for a chartered accountant to provide advice and support daily for the company. (Read More: The Essence of Internal Audit: Features and Significance for a Business)

The accountant has several hats: much more than a chartered accountant, he runs a company providing services including accounting.

 What is the advantage for a business manager to call on a chartered accountant?

Above all, the guarantee of reliable accounts is certified according to ordinal standards at the national or international level. The gain in monitoring and professional support ensures a high level of compliance.

Finally, the help of a chartered accountant makes it possible to have a label of competence and security vis-à-vis the business manager and third parties: bankers, commercial, social, tax partners, etc. The accountant provides useful advice for the development of a business.

What are the criteria for choosing a good accountant?

The accountant is the person who supports the company daily. He must be proactive, attentive to the customer, propose the optimization plan appropriate to the situation and the needs of the customer, as much at the fiscal, social, and legal level.

The advisory mission is essential. For this, a relationship of reciprocal trust must be born between the accountant and the business manager.

The accountant takes the initiative to establish dialogue, asks questions, and responds to questions. Even if communication is done more and more through screens, we must not forget that behind all these digital tools, there are humans. A good accountant is therefore above all a human.

 What influence do new technologies have on the profession of chartered accountant and the needs of companies?

The world is changing, it is changing for everyone, as accountants see it every day for their customers. They are capable of not undergoing this change but of anticipating it and supporting it.

Digital technology offers them opportunities to speed up certain simplification projects. The electronic invoice is one of them! With the electronic invoice, four objectives will be achieved:

  • Data security which integrates the accounts,
  • A reduction in tax frauds,
  • A reduction in payment terms,
  • But also, a reduction in the administrative cost since the cost of processing an electronic invoice is much lower.

It is for sure that contacting Accounting Firms in India helps a company in becoming better and aware of the ongoing changes in the legal structure.

This content is meant for information only and should not be considered as an advice or legal opinion, or otherwise. AKGVG & Associates does not intend to advertise its services through this.

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CA Aman Aggarwal

AKGVG & Associates

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