risk management

Internal Audit guide: The future of risk management (Part II)
Internal Audit guide: The future of risk management (Part II)

Internal Audit guide: The future of risk management (Part II)

The future of IA lies in technology and data analytics Technological advancements have made the internal audit process more efficient and effective. Internal auditors can now use technology to analyze data better, detect potential risks, and assess the effectiveness of…

Internal Audit guide: The future of risk management (Part I)
Internal Audit guide: The future of risk management (Part I)

Internal Audit guide: The future of risk management (Part I)

Internal Audit teams have traditionally been tasked with preventing and detecting fraud, waste, and abuse within the scope of their organization’s financial controls. However, the increasing number of cyber threats becoming more prevalent in today’s business world has forced Internal…

Impact of Covid 19 on Audit of Financial Statements and Audit Report

Effects on auditing financial statements Standard on Auditing are required to be complied in full even in the present time of pressure under changed timelines. Auditors should carefully assess the situation and prepare appropriate responses to the challenges that Coronavirus…