Does Registering Your Company Enhances Your Business?

When undertaking a project, be it large or small, it is always tried to individualize it and the need arises to create an image that differentiates it from other commercial actors.

One of the first things that the entrepreneur does is give an identity to his idea or project, that is, a name. Later, he creates or entrusts a professional to design a logo with a certain typeface and colours, which becomes his distinctive sign through which he intends for his clients to identify him. And this is how your brand is born.

Company registration in India

The brand is a mark that allows entrepreneurs to differentiate their services or products from the services or products of the competitors (Read More: The Future of the Accounting Profession: Apocalypse No, But Deep Transformation)

The process of registering the company can be very interesting and therefore you may want to consider using the services of a company formation consultant. Many professionals in the market provide the necessary business registration services.

Nevertheless, it is important to register it as early as possible to protect the interests of the owners. Starting your own business is your crucial first step towards combining self-employment and financial security.

Before you take the plunge, having some good knowledge about company formation will help you do things the right way. There are some factors to keep in mind before you even think about registering your business.

Company registration in India

Among the many questions that an entrepreneur asks himself at the legal level when starting his business is whether it is worth registering his trademark. The start-up costs are so high and often time-consuming that “non-required” topics are often left for later. Although a “later” when we talk about brands, it can be too late.

Before deciding whether to register a trademark, the first thing an entrepreneur should consider is what he is selling and how he wants to sell it. The brand does not give a value by itself, but rather defends the value that has been created based on it. Be careful, therefore, with the “speculative” marks.

We often come across cases where someone aims to register a trademark that they neither use nor intend to use but rather wants to resell it to someone who, as we have said before, has been late.

Many of these assumptions end badly for all parties: the speculator for ending up losing her trademark obtained “in bad faith” after a long process of false negotiations and the alleged owner for having to invest a lot of money and efforts for not having done things correctly.

If we are creating a product and we want it to be different, we must give it a name and, if we are cautious, that name should be registered as a brand.


The entrepreneur will constantly see the need to make his brand notorious in the market, for which he will invest many hours of work in marketing and advertising. Therefore, it is extremely important to protect this investment concerning the Brand from the beginning of the project.

Our recommendation for all entrepreneurs is to protect their intellectual property rights, by consulting company formation services in India and doing company registration in India.

This content is meant for information only and should not be considered as an advice or legal opinion, or otherwise. AKGVG & Associates does not intend to advertise its services through this.

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CS Neetu Saini

AKGVG & Associates

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