Why Call A Chartered Accountant To Start A Business?

Why Call A Chartered Accountant To Start A Business

Do you have a professional project and your dream of independence? We invite you to start your own business and turn your dream into reality! Starting a business is a stimulating adventure that can pay off a lot.

To transform your creation project into a sustainable business, get the right people to support you like chartered accountant services providers. You will optimize your chances of success because many companies weather storms before reaching their third year of existence. Put the odds in your favour!

Top accounting firms in Delhi will be the essential ally of your success. This legal professional supports you concerning your legal obligations. Much more! His versatility and his experience will allow you to start on the right basis and choose the best options to develop your business.

Concretely, what is the role of the chartered accountant in the creation of your company? 

Provide you with legal, fiscal, and social advice

Business creation comes with its share of procedures. Depending on your profile or the nature of your project, you will have the choice between several legal forms of business. Which one will optimize your chances of success?

Thanks to his knowledge of the law and his experience, the chartered accountant will retain the status that suits you best. He will draft the articles of association of your company and will guide you in completing the legal formalities for the incorporation of your company.

Know that in the context of creation, the initial choices are very important. Going back on original decisions can be complex.

In addition, you will have to opt for a tax system. The accountant has the answer to all the questions related to the financial matters of the company. It allows you to save time by choosing the most relevant formula for your project. 

The different areas of intervention of the chartered accountant

Indeed, the chartered accountant is a versatile professional who can support the company in several areas:

  • Accounting of course
  • The board
  • Taxation
  • Human relations
  • The legal field
  • Evaluation

This professional oversees everything relating to accounting, that is to say:

Keeping general and analytical accounts

If the company does not have an in-house accountant, it can outsource this mission and call on a chartered accountant.

Presentation of the company’s annual accounts

This mission consists of showing the consistency and veracity of the annual accounts. To do this, the accountant relies on:

  • Information was given by the business manager
  • The training he has taken to draw up the annual accounts and ensure the regularity of the accounts
  • His professional experiences, his knowledge of the company and its areas of intervention

Revision of the accounts if he has not drawn them up himself

The revision or evaluation of the accounts meets the needs of ensuring the regularity and sincerity of the accounts relating to the assets, the financial situation, and the results of the company at the end of the period. To carry out this mission, the accountant:

  • Makes an in-depth study of the company that hired him
  • Analyses the accounting procedures applied by the company
  • Gathers all the necessary information by verifying the information provided by management and by organizing interviews with the entities concerned.

This content is meant for information only and should not be considered as an advice or legal opinion, or otherwise. AKGVG & Associates does not intend to advertise its services through this.

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