AKGVG Weekly Insight
Dear Reader,
Greetings for the day!!!
We are pleased to share AKGVG's Weekly Insight, dated 14th Jul, 2021 which includes:
Date: 14.07.2021
S.no Description Relevant links
Section I: Income Tax
1. CBDT inserts new Income Tax Rule 8AC -Computation of short-term capital gains and written down value under section 50. Notification no. 77/2021
dtd 07.07.2021
2. CBDT amends rule 8AA and add rules related to amount which is chargeable to income-tax as income of specified entity under sub­section (4) of section 45 under the head Capital gains. Notification no. 76/2021
dtd 02.07.2021
3. CBDT circulates guidelines under section 9B and sub-section (4) of section 45 of the Income-tax act, 1961. Circular no. 14/2021
dtd 02.07.2021
4. CBDT circulates guidelines under section 194Q of the Income-tax Act, 1961. Circular no. 13/2021
dtd 30.06.2021
Section II: GST
1. CBIC notifies to waive penalty payable for non-compliance of provisions of Notification No. 14/2020 dated 21st March 2020. Notification no. 28/2021
dtd 30.06.2021
Section III: MCA
1. Publication of notice u/s 75 of the LLP Act, 2008 read with sub-Rule 1(b) read with Rules 37(2) notified by MCA. Notification
dtd 07.07.2021
2. Investor Education and Protection Fund Authority (Accounting, Audit, Transfer and Refund) Amendment Rules, 2021 notified by MCA. Notification
dtd 11.06.2021
Section IV: RBI
1. RBI notifies new definition of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises - Addition of Retail and Wholesale Trade. Notification
dtd 07.07.2021
2. Review of Instructions on Interest on overdue domestic deposits notified by RBI. Notification
dtd 02.07.2021
Section V: CUSTOMS
1. CBIC circulates improvements in Faceless Assessment - Measures for expediting Customs clearances - reg. Circular no. 14/2021
dtd 07.07.2021
2. CBIC notify Agreements or Arrangements on 'Cooperation and Mutual Administrative Assistance (CMAA) in Customs matters' of India with other countries. Notification no. 58/2021
dtd 01.07.2021
We trust you will find this Journal informative as well as useful.
For any queries, you can write to us at "info@akgvg.com".
Looking forward to receive your valuable feedback

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Knowledge Updates Team
AKGVG & Associates
(Chartered Accountants)

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