AKGVG Tax Update
Dear Reader,
Greetings for the day!!!
We are pleased to share the recent Income Tax notification and circulars.
Date: 10.02.2023
Income Tax updates
S.no Description Relevant links
1. SFT: Format, Procedure and Guidelines for filing Statement of Financial Transactions (SFT) for Interest income (Limit of Rs 5,000 abolished) Addendum to Notification 2 of 2021 Notification no.1/23 Dtd. 05.01.2023
2. CBDT extends time limit for compliances for claiming exemption under Section 54-54GB Circular no. 1/23 Dtd 06.01.2023
3. CBDT notified 'Indian Institute of Science Education and Research, Tirupati' under the category of 'University, college or other institutions' under section 10(23FE) Notification F.No. 203/02/2022/ITA-II/SO 270(E ) Dtd. 16.01.2023
4. CBDT notified 'California Public Employees Retirement System' as specified person (Pension fund) for purpose of eligible investment under section 35(1) Notification no.2/23 Dtd. 25.01.2023
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Looking forward to receive your valuable feedback

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Knowledge Updates Team
AKGVG & Associates
(Chartered Accountants)

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